One of the things we’ve always prided ourselves on at Bama is taking care of our team members. It’s an idea that was built into the very foundations of our company right from the start, and it’s something we’ve continued to this day. Bama has many company traditions due to this very reason.
In 1948, Bama president Paul Marshall—father to our current CEO, Paula Marshall—started the company tradition of delivering a turkey to every single one of Bama Pie’s team members for Thanksgiving.
As Bama has grown over the years and expanded all across the globe, it’s understandably gotten more difficult to hand-deliver turkeys during the holidays. But that doesn’t mean we’ve done away with Mr. Marshall’s tradition.
Now, Bama gives out Reasor’s gift cards for turkeys every Christmas. And this year, we gave away over 900 gift cards to our team members and their families.
We’ve long believed that as both an employer and a corporate citizen, we can and should use that power to change our community for the better. That can mean a lot of different things, but sometimes it just means making sure our team members and their families have a turkey during the holidays.
Business should be a force for good in the world. And as long as we’re here, that’s what we’re going to make it.